Upon purchase of a tour ticket, you are agreeing to the Spirit of Ireland Executive Travel Ltd. (trading as Wild Atlantic Way Day Tours) terms and conditions of sale, as outlined below.
If, at any point, you are unsure or have any queries please contact us directly at info@wildatlanticwaydaytours.com and we will be happy to assist you.
1. Booking and shipment/distribution of tickets.
1.1 Online – Your purchase will be confirmed upon receipt of a confirmation number following the booking process, additionally by a confirmation email to the address provided.
1.2 In-person – Your purchase will be confirmed with a physical ticket that will be provided by our ticket offices, our drivers, mobile ticket offices, or through 3rd party agents.
2. Insurance.
2.1 Spirit of Ireland Executive Travel Ltd. has sufficient third-party insurance for all passengers and tour participants.
2.2 Spirit of Ireland Executive Travel does not include travel insurance in any of the listed services or tours.
3. Property and luggage.
3.1 You are permitted to bring two pieces of luggage on the tours. The driver reserves the right to require larger pieces of luggage to remain in the under-coach lockers. Additional pieces of luggage can usually be facilitated when requested in advance of the tour.
3.2 Spirit of Ireland Executive Travel Ltd. does not accept responsibility for luggage or property lost or stolen while traveling with us or stored on our vehicles or property.
4. Cancellations.
4.1 Cancellations or amendments can be made by contacting Spirit of Ireland Executive Travel via email, phone, or in person.
4.2 If you can cancel within 24 hours of the tour commencing, no refund is possible.
4.3 If you cancel between 48 and 24 hours of the tour commencing, we will refund 50% of all fares.
4.4 If you cancel between 14 days and 48 hours of the tour commencing, we ill refund 75% of all fares.
4.5 A minimum administration fee of €5.00 will apply to all cancellations.
4.6 If you fail to join a tour, join it after departure, or leave it prior to completion, no refund will be made and no rescheduling will be possible.
4.7 Single-day tours can only be rescheduled up to 24 hours before departure, subject to availability.
4.8 Multi-day tours can only be rescheduled without penalty, 7 days in advance of departure, subject to availability.